Could You Have a Concussion From a Car Accident in Hiram, GA?

Concussions from a car accident occur more frequently than you might expect. Even seemingly minor car crashes have the potential to cause a concussion. A concussion is often overlooked or dismissed as a minor issue, but it can have significant effects on your health and well-being.

In this post, we will cover what you need to know about concussions from a car accident, including how they happen, some of the noted symptoms, and how a Hiram accident lawyer may be able to help you receive compensation for your injury.

Can You Get A Concussion From A Car Accident?

Yes, you can get a concussion after a car accident. Concussions are common in car accidents and their symptoms are often noted by those who don’t even realize they are suffering from a head injury.

The sudden impact or deceleration during a collision can cause your brain to move violently inside your skull, potentially leading to a concussion. This can happen even if your head doesn't directly hit any part of the vehicle. The force of the crash alone can be enough.

Concussions can happen in various types of accidents, regardless of their severity. And even if you're wearing a seatbelt and your airbag deploys correctly, you're still at risk of sustaining a concussion. Our Hiram car accident lawyers want to stress that if you’re feeling any symptoms associated with concussions or head injuries, see a doctor immediately.

What Are the Symptoms Of A Concussion After a Car Accident in Hiram?

Concussion symptoms can be diverse. Here are some of the common signs:

See the entire list here.

It's important to note that concussion symptoms may not always appear immediately after the accident. Some people may feel fine initially, but start experiencing symptoms a day or two after their accident.

This delayed onset of symptoms is why it's essential to seek medical attention after an auto accident and monitor your condition closely.

What Should I Do if I Suspect A Concussion After an Accident?

If you're experiencing any of the symptoms associated with concussions and cranial trauma, consider taking the following steps:

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

If you suspect a concussion after a car accident, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Even if you feel relatively fine, some symptoms may not appear immediately, and a doctor can properly assess your condition. They may perform a neurological examination, cognitive tests, and possibly imaging studies like CT scans or MRIs to evaluate the extent of the injury.

Prompt medical attention is also important for any potential legal claims you might pursue. Having a medical record that documents your injury soon after the accident could be valuable evidence if you need to file an insurance claim or lawsuit.

Rest And Avoid Exertion

After a concussion, your brain needs time to heal. Both physical and cognitive rest are essential to your recovery. Avoid activities that require intense concentration, such as work or studying, and limit screen time on devices like phones, computers, and televisions.

Physical activities, especially those that risk further head injury, should be avoided until cleared by your doctor. However, complete bed rest is no longer recommended. Instead, aim for a balanced approach. You can gradually reintroduce normal activities as you start feeling better.

Want more practical tips from a Hiram accident attorney on steps you should take following a collision? Read our article: What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

Monitor Symptoms

Keep a close eye on your symptoms in the days and weeks following the accident. It can be helpful to note whatever symptoms you experience, their severity, and any triggers.

This information can be valuable for your doctor in assessing your recovery progress and adjusting your treatment plan if necessary. Be particularly alert for any worsening of symptoms or the appearance of new ones.

Red flags include severe headache, repeated vomiting, slurred speech, seizures, or unusual behavior changes. If you notice any of these, seek emergency medical care immediately.

Follow Your Doctor's Instructions

Adhering to your doctor's treatment plan is crucial for a smooth recovery. This may include specific rest periods, a gradual return-to-work or return-to-school timeline, and possibly medications to manage symptoms like headaches. Your doctor might also recommend cognitive or physical therapy depending on your symptoms and their severity.

Don't hesitate to ask questions if anything about your treatment plan is unclear. And, as always, be honest with your doctor about your symptoms and any difficulties you're having – this information helps them provide the best care possible.

Avoid Alcohol And Drugs

After a concussion, your doctor may tell you to avoid alcohol and recreational drugs. These substances (alcohol in particular) can interfere with your brain's healing process and potentially worsen your symptoms, and can increase the risk of further injury.

Even some prescription medications may need to be avoided or adjusted following a concussion. Always consult with your doctor about any medications you're taking, or considering taking, during your recovery period. This includes over-the-counter pain relievers too.

Be Patient

Recovering from a concussion from a car crash can take time. It’s important to be patient with yourself and not rush back into full activity too quickly. Remember that everyone's recovery is different – while some people may feel better after a few days, others might take weeks or even months to fully recover.

During this time, it's crucial to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. Returning to normal activities should be a gradual process, guided by your symptoms and your doctor's advice.

What Are the Long-Term Effects Of Concussions?

While many people recover fully from concussions within a few weeks to months, some individuals may experience long-term effects.

These can include:

In some cases, people may develop post-concussion syndrome, where symptoms persist for months or even years after the initial injury.

There's also growing concern about the potential effects of multiple concussions over time. Research suggests that repeated concussions may increase the risk of cognitive decline, depression, and neurodegenerative diseases later in life. This is why it's so important to get properly diagnosed and treated for a concussion.

How To File A Claim For Concussions from a Car Accident in Hiram, GA

Medical treatments for a concussion can be expensive, so it might be a good idea to file an accident claim. This is something you can do yourself, or have a Hiram car accident attorney help you do.

Filing a claim also involves gathering all relevant documents, including police reports, medical records, and any evidence from the accident scene. Keep detailed records of all medical treatments, appointments, and how the injury has affected your daily life. When you hire a Hiram accident attorney, much of this is handled for you as they build your case.

If you decide to not hire an attorney for your personal injury claim, you will need to personally notify your insurance company about the accident and your injury. However, be cautious about giving recorded statements or accepting early settlement offers without legal advice.

We recommend consulting with an experienced car accident attorney before calling your insurance company, so you can avoid mistakes people commonly make when dealing with insurance adjusters. They can help you navigate the claims process, negotiate with insurance companies, and ensure you're seeking appropriate compensation for your injuries.

What Kind of Compensation Could I Receive?

You may be eligible for compensation covering various expenses and losses. This may include medical bills for immediate and ongoing treatment, lost wages if you're unable to work, and/or compensation for pain and suffering.

You might also be eligible for compensation for future medical care, loss of earning capacity if your ability to work is permanently affected, and/or damages for loss of enjoyment of life.

In some cases, you may be able to claim punitive damages, especially if the at-fault party's behavior was particularly reckless or egregious.

The specific compensation you may receive depends on factors such as:

Your Hiram lawyer could help you understand what kinds of compensation you might be entitled to.

Can I Sue for a Concussion in a Car Accident in Hiram, GA?

In Hiram, GA, as in the rest of Georgia, you have the right to sue for injuries sustained in a car accident–including concussions–if another party's negligence caused the accident.

Georgia follows a modified comparative negligence rule, which means you may be able to recover damages as long as you're less than 50% at fault for the accident. However, your compensation may be reduced by your percentage of fault.

It's also important to be aware of the statute of limitations in Georgia, which generally gives you two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. Missing this deadline could result in losing your right to sue.

Given the complexities involved in proving fault, it's advisable to consult with a local personal injury lawyer. They can help you understand your rights and guide you through the legal process.

To learn more about deadlines associated with accident claims, read insights from our Hiram car accident attorney: Car Accident Legal Timeframes in Georgia.

How Could a Hiram Accident Lawyer Help After a Concussion from a Car Accident?

Concussions from car accidents are serious injuries that require prompt medical attention. If you suspect you've suffered a concussion in a car accident, prioritize your health by seeking immediate medical care and following your doctor's instructions.

Remember that you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, especially if the accident was caused by someone else's negligence. Don't hesitate to seek legal advice from our Hiram accident attorney to learn more about your rights and options for pursuing a claim.

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do in Georgia?

Hiring an attorney after a car accident may seem like a waste of time or money, but it really isn't. Studies show that car accident victims make more money from the insurance settlement if they have a lawyer fighting for them. Plus, it saves you from the stress of the many phone calls and the mountain of paperwork with the insurance company. So, what exactly does an Accident Attorney do for you? 

In the aftermath of your car accident, a lawyer in Hiram, GA, can help you gather information about what happened, give you legal advice, and deal with insurance companies. They may also help you pursue financial compensation so you can focus on healing from your injuries and getting back to your life. Call Lonati Law Firm today at 678-363-3500 for a free consultation with one of our experienced car accident lawyers in Hiram, GA.

what does an accident attorney do

Why Do I Need a Car Accident Lawyer in Hiram?

Auto accidents can be scary and emotionally draining. On top of emotional trauma, car accident victims can suffer cuts, bruises, and more severe injuries like broken bones, spinal injuries, and brain injuries. These injuries can cost thousands of dollars to treat. It's even worse when the accident victim cannot work and can't pay these bills on top of everything else.

An accident victim who decides to seek compensation for their injuries faces yet another challenge. They'll have to deal with tricky insurance agents and a complex legal system.

Thankfully, they don't have to face this challenge alone. The award-winning car accident attorneys at Lonati Law Firm in Hiram, GA, are here to help you.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help?

A car accident can lead to severe financial and physical pain if you or a loved one are injured. If you want to file a personal injury lawsuit, hiring competent legal representation can guide you through the process from start to finish. But make sure to choose one who is highly experienced. After all, the attorney you pick could make or break your case.

Our car accident attorneys at Lonati Law Firm understand how to defend clients' rights after an injury. We are experienced in helping victims recover the maximum compensation for medical costs, lost earnings, and other damages following a car accident.

A car accident lawyer's primary goal is to ensure you receive financial compensation for your expenses. There are several ways car accident lawyers can help you pursue the fullest compensation possible. Keep reading to discover why hiring an experienced lawyer after a car accident injury is critical.

Who is the At-Fault Party?

To hold a private person liable for injury damages, you must first prove whether your injury was caused by negligence.

If someone breaches a particular law or rule of the roadway and causes you harm, they could be found to be negligent. An example of negligence in a car accident may include the following:

Once it is clear who the at-fault party is, we'll be able to decide the appropriate course of action to recover your losses. Again, having the best car accident attorney on your side is critical.

Calculating Damages

In addition to identifying who is at fault, you must also prove the value of your losses. A qualified car accident lawyer should be able to assess your case and help determine what damages you have faced due to the accident.

Damages in an injury case can be challenging to calculate because some losses can last a lifetime. Your damages may include:

Many consequences resulting from a severe injury are intangible and difficult to measure. So the team at Lonati Law Firm works with medical and financial experts to try and calculate victims' past and future losses.

The value of an injury claim varies, so you need a local attorney who will investigate your case. Our car accident injury attorneys will review your claim and may help you seek the maximum compensation you are entitled to. We never push our clients to accept less than they deserve and exhaust all options to get full financial compensation.

Collecting Evidence

To investigate your accident's details, your lawyer may collect all your medical care documents and invoices. This includes copies of any physical therapy or occupational therapy records.

Your attorney will compile all of this into a demand packet that will be delivered to the at-fault driver's insurance company. Your lawyer will also include a settlement demand in this demand packet.

Car accident injuries can be severe and have various consequences, including the potential need for lifetime care. So, many lawyers will insist on the insurance policy limitations in severe injury situations.


As soon as the insurance adjuster has finished reviewing the demand packet, they may offer to settle the matter.

However, you have options if you believe that the settlement offer does not provide fair compensation for the accident. First, you and your attorney may decide to pursue further negotiations with the insurance company's adjuster. The parties may need to go through many rounds of negotiation before reaching a fair agreement.

The attorneys at Lonati Law Firm have years of experience in negotiating their clients' cases through skilled strategies. As a result, we are prepared to assist you in obtaining the highest possible compensation for your injury.

Settling or Going to Court

If the matter does not settle during settlement negotiations or mediation, the accident victim may have the option to go to trial. If the case proceeds to trial, a judge or jury will determine the amount of the accident victim's damages.

They make their judgment based on all parties' evidence presented during the trial. However, this does not always occur, and there might be risks with taking your case to trial. At Lonati Law Firm, our qualified legal team can help you determine the best course of action for your injury case.

Hire an Experienced Lawyer for a Car Accident Spine Injury Case

A spinal injury caused by another person's negligence can result in a lifetime of pain, suffering, and trauma. These effects can cause hardship for the family and friends of the accident victim as well.

We understand that monetary compensation can't "undo" your spinal cord injuries. However, filing an injury lawsuit can be a way for accident victims to seek justice for their injuries. Compensation can also help ensure that victims and their families never have to worry about medical expenses.

At Lonati Law Firm, our experienced car accident injury attorneys can defend your rights as an injured victim. We will work to secure the compensation you and your family deserve.

To book a free case review with an experienced car accident lawyer, contact Lonati Law Firm today.

What if I Was Partially to Blame for the Car Accident?

More than one driver can be determined "at fault" for a car accident in Georgia. Many injured victims tend to blame themselves, even if they bear no responsibility whatsoever. Insurance companies are experienced at making victims think they played a role in causing the car accident, even when they didn't.

Before you accept any responsibility or apologize for the accident, contact a car accident lawyer in Hiram who can look at your case's details. They will help you decide the best course of action for your case. But even if you are partially to blame, your attorney can still potentially help you seek compensation.

Contributory Negligence in Hiram

If you are partially at fault for the accident, you could still recover compensation for your losses. In Georgia, this is called contributory negligence, and it always benefits you to seek compensation, even if you are partly at fault for your accident.

In the past, even a tiny amount of negligence would mean you couldn't recover any money. However, you can now recover losses based on your percentage of fault—if you are not more than 50% at fault. For example: if you were found to be 10% at fault for the car accident and the other driver was found to be 90 percent at fault, you would recover 90% of your total losses.

This law can help you, but it also creates a reason for insurance companies to blame you more often. They may pay you less if they can show you are at least a little at fault. That's all the more reason to have an experienced car accident lawyer in Hiram representing you.

What If My Accident Was Severe or My Family Member Died in a Car Accident?

Finding a lawyer who knows the unique circumstances of a severe injury case and what it means to you and your family is crucial. Injuries like brain injuries and spine injuries can require a lifetime of care and financially devastate the family.

If you've sustained a severe injury, you may have to take time off work to help your loved one heal or aid in their physical and emotional recovery. This takes a toll on you and your family while adding the emotional burden of caring for someone. These cases can be extremely tough for family members, so our attorney is committed to providing a successful outcome for each person and family we represent.

When it comes to wrongful death suits, we deliver outstanding support to those who have lost a loved one while maintaining a compassionate approach to help guide you in this difficult time. Our lawyers are here to provide you and your family with the legal experience you need to get justice for your devastating loss.

Call Our Hiram Car Accident Lawyers for a Free Case Review

Are you the victim of a car accident in Hiram, GA, that wasn't your fault? You may be entitled to pursue compensation to cover your damages and bills.

Contact the car accident attorneys at Lonati Law Firm today to get the justice you deserve. You can speak with our car accident lawyers in Hiram, GA, about your case now by calling 678-363-3500.

Do I Need a Lawyer If I Was Injured at Work in Georgia?

Have You Been Injured at Work in Georgia?

When you're injured at work, navigating the complexities of workers' compensation claims can be overwhelming. That's where Lonati Law Firm in Dallas, Georgia, steps in. With expertise in handling work-related injuries and a deep understanding of Georgia's workers' compensation laws, this firm is your staunch advocate.

Facing uncertainty after a workplace injury? Call Lonati Law Firm at 678-363-3500 – we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Understanding Workers' Compensation in Georgia

What Is Workers' Compensation in GA?

Workers' compensation is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment. In exchange, the employee relinquishes the right to sue their employer for negligence.

The Difference Between Workers' Compensation and Personal Injury Claims in GA

Workers' compensation is a no-fault system designed to provide quick and fair compensation without the need for court battles. Unlike personal injury claims, it doesn't matter how the accident happened. However, this system has its complexities, which often necessitate legal expertise.

Why It Matters to You

If you're injured at work, workers' compensation can be vital for covering your medical expenses and lost wages. However, understanding your rights and the complexities of these claims can be challenging.

Don't Delay - Time Matters

In workers' compensation claims, time is of the essence. Delays can harm your claim, so it's vital to act promptly. After receiving medical attention, reach out to Lonati Law Firm for expert legal assistance.

When to Consider Legal Assistance

Understanding the Impact of Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries can be as simple as a small cut or as serious as a major accident. They can stop you from working and even change how you live your life. Sometimes, an injury might seem small at first but can cause more problems later on. It's really important to see a doctor and understand how serious your injury is and what it might mean for your future. This helps you decide if you need a lawyer's help.

Dealing with Insurance and Your Boss

Talking to insurance companies and your boss about your injury can be tough. They might say no to your claim or take a long time to give you your benefits. This can be really stressful and unfair. A lawyer knows how to handle these situations. They can step in to make sure you're treated right and get what you're owed.

Why a Good Lawyer Makes a Difference

Having a lawyer who knows all about workers' compensation can really help your case. They know how to do everything the right way, like filling out forms and talking to insurance companies. They can also fight for you to get the best deal possible. With a lawyer, you have a much better chance of getting what you need after your injury. They're there to make sure everything is fair, and you're taken care of.

Key Reasons to Hire a Workers Comp Lawyer in Goergia

Facing Claim Denials

It's not unusual for workers' compensation claims to be rejected at first. This can be disheartening, but it's important to remember it's not the end of the road. A lawyer can guide you through the appeal process, helping you gather evidence and build a strong case. They understand the legal system and know how to argue effectively for your rights. With their help, you stand a better chance of overturning the denial and getting the compensation you deserve.

Returning to Work Prematurely

After an injury, you might feel pressure from your employer or their insurance company to get back to work sooner than you're ready. This can be harmful to your recovery. A lawyer acts as a buffer between you and these pressures. They can negotiate on your behalf to ensure that your return-to-work plan is fair and respects your doctor's advice. Your health should always come first, and a lawyer will fight to make sure it does.

Adjusting to Work Limitations

Sometimes, an injury can leave you with long-term or permanent limitations. This might mean you can't do certain tasks anymore or might even need to change your job. A lawyer helps ensure you're fairly compensated for these life-changing impacts. They work to get you benefits that reflect your new capabilities and limitations, ensuring that your future is secure despite the changes in your work life.

Employer Retaliation

Unfortunately, some employers may respond negatively to workers filing compensation claims, perhaps by cutting hours, reducing pay, or even firing. This is not only unfair but also illegal. A lawyer can stand up for your rights, ensuring that you're treated fairly and legally by your employer. If you face any form of retaliation, a lawyer can take action to protect your job and your rights.

Third-Party Involvement and Misconduct

In some workplace injury cases, a third party (someone other than your employer) might be responsible, or there may be misconduct by your employer. These situations can be complex. A lawyer has the expertise to navigate these complexities, whether it involves negotiating with the third party's insurance or holding an employer accountable for unsafe practices. They ensure that all responsible parties are held accountable.

Benefit Limitations

Insurance companies are often motivated to limit the amount they pay out in benefits. They might try to end your benefits too soon or argue that you need less than you do. A lawyer advocates on your behalf to ensure you receive the full benefits you're entitled to. They know the tactics insurance companies use and how to counter them, working tirelessly to secure the benefits you need for as long as you need them.

The Role of Lonati Law Firm in Dallas, GA: What We Do for You

Schedule a Free Consultation

Unsure about needing a lawyer? Start with a free consultation at Lonati Law Firm. There's no commitment, and it's an excellent opportunity to understand your rights and options.

Expert Guidance and Representation

At Lonati Law Firm, we understand that each workers' compensation case is unique. Our team provides personalized attention, ensuring your rights are protected and striving for the compensation you deserve.

Navigating the Legal Maze

We handle all the legal intricacies, from filing claims to negotiating with insurance companies. Our goal is to alleviate your stress so you can focus on recovery.

No Upfront Fees: A Risk-Free Choice

With no upfront fees, working with Lonati Law Firm is a risk-free decision. Their expertise and commitment to your case ensure you get the support and representation you deserve.

Common Questions About Workers Comp in GA

Why Consider a Lawyer for Your Workers' Compensation Claim?

Workplace injuries can be sudden and unexpected, leaving you to face medical bills, lost wages, and uncertainty about your future. In such times, understanding your legal rights and options is crucial. That's where a workers' compensation lawyer comes in.

Do I Need a Work Injury Lawyer for a Minor Injury?

If your injury is minor and your employer acknowledges the incident, you may not need legal representation. However, a consultation can ensure you're not overlooking any critical aspects of your claim.

How Can a Workers Comp Lawyer Improve My Claim's Outcome?

From dealing with insurance companies to understanding specific legal provisions, the journey through a workers' compensation claim can be full of hurdles. A knowledgeable lawyer can guide you through these challenges, ensuring your rights are protected at every step.

A workers' compensation lawyer can significantly impact your claim's outcome by:

What If My Employer Says the Injury Isn't Work-Related?

Sometimes, bosses might say your injury didn't happen because of work. This can be confusing and hard to deal with. A lawyer can help prove that your injury is work-related, which is important for your claim.

Can a Lawyer Help If I'm Pressured to Go Back to Work Too Soon?

Yes! If you're being pushed to return to work before you're really ready, a lawyer can help. They can talk to the people involved and make sure your health and recovery come first.

What Should I Do If My Workers' Comp Claim Is Denied?

If your claim is denied, don't worry – it's not the end. A lawyer can help you understand why it was denied and what to do next. They can help you appeal the decision and fight for your benefits.

How Do I Know If the Settlement Offer Is Fair?

It can be hard to tell if a settlement offer is good enough. A lawyer can look at your case and tell you if the offer is fair. They know about the law and how much claims like yours are usually worth.

Will Hiring a Lawyer Slow Down My Claim?

No, hiring a lawyer won't slow down your claim. In fact, it can actually help things move faster and smoother. Lawyers know how to handle the paperwork and talk to the right people, which can speed up the process.

Call Your Local Work Injury Lawyer in Georgia

You don't have to navigate your workers' compensation claim alone. The team at Lonati Law Firm, with our expertise and compassionate approach, is ready to stand by your side. Contact us at 678-363-3500 and let us help you on the road to recovery and fair compensation.

Understanding Car Accident Legal Timeframes in Georgia

In Georgia, the law mandates a specific period during which you can file a lawsuit for injuries resulting from a car accident. This time period, known as the 'statute of limitations', is outlined in section 9-3-33 of the Georgia Code. Basically, you have two years from the moment your right to sue comes into effect, or "accrues."

Typically, this right to file a lawsuit starts on the day of the car crash. However, there are instances where this two-year clock may be put on hold, or "tolled." This could happen during a criminal investigation related to the accident, which may extend the timeframe by up to six years. Another example is if the at-fault driver who hit you received a citation, then the 2-year clock may not begin to run until after the citation is paid. To understand if any exceptions might apply to your case, it's best to consult with a personal injury lawyer.

Compared to other states, Georgia's two-year timeframe might seem short, but it's quite standard. In fact, around half of all U.S. states also maintain a two-year statute of limitations for car accident injury cases. The duration varies among other states, from as short as one year to as long as six years.

In the unfortunate event where a car accident results in the death of a victim, the deceased person's estate has the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit. The two-year limitation period also applies to these tragic circumstances.

What You Need to Know About Dallas Wrongful Death Lawyers

Losing a loved one is never easy. This pain is often made worse if your loved one’s death was the result of negligence or ill intent by another person or entity. Dallas Wrongful Death Lawyers could help you with filing a wrongful death lawsuit, so you can collect monetary damages for your pain and suffering and for the lost income of your loved one.

If you’ve lost a spouse, parent, or loved one due to another person’s negligence in Georgia, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit to recover damages with the help of our Dallas Wrongful Death Lawyers.

Here’s what you should know about Georgia’s laws on wrongful death.

How Does Georgia Define "Wrongful Death"?

In the state of Georgia, wrongful death is defined as follows:

(1) “Full value of the life of the decedent (the individual who passed away), as shown by the evidence” means the full value of the life of the decedent without deducting for any of the necessary or personal expenses of the decedent had he lived.

(2) “Homicide” includes all cases in which the death of a human being results from a crime, from criminal or other negligence, or from property that has been defectively manufactured, whether or not as the result of negligence.

Negligence is generally defined as failing to show reasonable care when there is a duty to do so.

Wrongful death is a civil offense, which means it is distinct from the criminal charges typically associated with murder and manslaughter charges. While wrongful death statutes vary by jurisdiction, wrongful death generally involves the death of an individual as a result of the actions or negligence of the individual charged with the crime. Wrongful death directly addresses the financial impact of the death and attempts to rectify the financial hardship that has been caused as a result of the death.

Wrongful death statutes specifically state that the charge can be brought by members of the deceased individual’s immediate family as well as any financial dependents who relied on the deceased individual. Beyond that, cases have been made in which distant family members and others who suffer financial consequences as a result of the death are also eligible to sue for wrongful death.

In addition to individuals, wrongful death suits can be filed against government agencies or agents, industrial or commercial entities, and even drivers.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Dallas, Georgia?

The state of Georgia has specifications about who can file a wrongful death lawsuit.

If you are the surviving spouse of a victim of wrongful death, you may bring a wrongful death suit against the negligent party. If you and the deceased had minor children together, the suit will also represent the interests of those children.

Sometimes, a victim of wrongful death has no spouse. In these cases, the parents of the victim may bring a wrongful death suit against the negligent party.

If there is no spouse or parent, a representative of the deceased’s estate may bring a wrongful death lawsuit to court. In this instance, all damages received from the wrongful death claim would be held by the deceased’s estate.

When Can You File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Georgia?

The statute of limitations for filing a wrongful death claim in Georgia is two years after the victim’s date of death.

In some cases, the timer for the two-year limit is paused. For instance, if there is an ongoing criminal case surrounding the wrongful death, the two-year time limit for the wrongful death lawsuit is on hold until the case is completed.

How Dallas Wrongful Death Lawyers Can Help With a Wrongful Death Case

Any time you go to court, having an experienced attorney by your side is a good idea. When dealing with a situation as serious as wrongful death, it is important to utilize the expertise of an attorney to ensure that you and your family get the maximum financial award you are entitled to.

It almost goes without saying that the aftermath of a death is an emotional time. This can make it difficult to think clearly or to take the necessary steps to move forward with a wrongful death case. An attorney can be your rational thinker while you cope with the death of a loved one.

To learn more about wrongful death cases, or to discuss the possibility of filing a wrongful death case, contact the Dallas Wrongful Death Lawyers at Lonati Law Firm by calling 678-363-3500.

Causes and Treatments for Chest Pain After a Car Accident in Georgia

Do You Have Chest Pain After a Car Accident in Georgia?

5.4 million people were injured in 2021 from a car accident. Of these accidents, many people suffered from chest pain. You may wonder what type of chest pain can result from a car accident. You’ll probably be surprised by how many chest injuries an accident can cause.

If you have chest pain after a car accident in GA, it’s vital you seek medical attention immediately. Chest pain should never be ignored. Did someone else’s negligence cause the accident? You may be owed compensation! Call Lonati Law Firm today at 678-363-3500 to request a free consultation.

What Causes Chest Pain After a Georgia Car Accident?

Any number of things could lead to chest pain after a car accident in Georgia. The seatbelt could cause bruises or fractures, the impact of the hit could result in internal damage, or the stress could result in a heart attack. The most causes of chest pain after a car accident are detailed below:

Lonati YouTube Is It Normal to Have Chest Pain After a Car Accident And What Should You Do


Many people fracture their sternum and ribs in a car accident. Impact with the dashboard or steering wheel causes an immense amount of force on the body during the collision. The ribs and sternum both protect vital organs, so medical care is essential.

Internal Organ Damage

The chest houses many organs (heart, kidneys, lungs), and a blow from any direction could cause internal damage. Internal organ damage can be life-threatening! It’s essential you do not delay medical care in case there is internal damage. The most common symptoms include the following:

Punctured Lungs

If you fracture your ribs, the bone may puncture your lungs. This could lead to difficulty breathing or a collapsed lung. Both require medical treatment. Symptoms of a punctured lung include:

Tracheal Damage

A fractured sternum can damage to the trachea. This can cause breathing and respiratory issues. Since the trachea delivers air to your lungs, it is vital you seek medical care for this type of injury. Popular symptoms include:

Heart Attack

Sudden force to the chest or the trauma of an accident have caused some people to have a heart attack. This is a life-threatening issue that should never be ignored. Symptoms of a heart attack vary from arm pain to chest pain to weakness.

Common Symptoms of Pain in the Chest After a Car Accident in GA

Chest pain doesn’t always present as actual pain. The following symptoms are all signs you may have an injury in your chest:

You should always visit the doctor after a car accident so issues are found quickly.

What To Do If You Experience Chest Pain After a Car Accident in Georgia

If you’ve been in a car accident, you must follow these steps:

Seek Medical Attention

The first, and most important, step is to seek medical care. Doctors are experienced in assessing the human body after a car accident and understand the signs of serious injury. Many injuries can lead to long-term or life-threatening issues if not addressed.

A doctor will evaluate you, run tests, and take X-rays or other images to discover any injuries. They can then create a treatment plan or take further action depending on the results.

Follow Your Treatment Plan

Following your treatment plan is essential for not only your health, but also the personal injury claim. Detailed medical records and proof the treatment plan is followed help to create a stronger case.

Consider Speaking to an Attorney

You shouldn’t have to pay for injuries caused by someone else’s negligence or carelessness. A personal injury attorney well-versed in car accidents may be able to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Lawyers help clients with investigating the situation, filing the claim, negotiating with insurance companies, and representing them throughout the process. They also give their clients peace of mind by offering legal advice.

Chest Pain FAQs

A lot of people have similar questions about chest pain after a car accident. We’ve answered those questions below:

How Long Does Chest Pain Last After a Car Accident?

This depends on the injury and several other factors, such as medical history and other injuries obtained during the accident. However, on average, chest pain lasts for a few days to a few weeks after an accident.

Of course, following the doctor’s treatment plan will help to heal these injuries more quickly. People who do not follow the treatment plan may see a longer recovery time.

What Do I Do If I Have Delayed Chest Pain After a Car Accident?

If you start having chest pains after the car accident, you should go to the emergency room. Medical evaluation and treatment is critical for all types of chest pain following an accident. Be sure you tell the doctor you were in an accident so they can do the proper tests.

How Much Is My Chest Pain Case Worth?

This is an impossible question to answer without more details. Factors that impact the amount of compensation someone receives includes the type of accident, severity of injuries, and medical treatment needed. An attorney would need to look at all aspects of a car accident and the resulting injuries to get a better idea of how much compensation it may be worth.

Any law office or attorney that promises a set amount of compensation without knowing the case details is highly unethical and you should stay away.

How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Help Me?

For non-clients, personal injury attorneys can review the case details and give a legal recommendation or explain the options they have. Many law offices offer free consultations to help guide you in making the right decision for your situation. Lonati Law offers these consultations and would be happy to schedule one for you! It is a no-strings-attached way to get a stronger understanding of your legal options.

However, with clients, lawyers do a lot more. Not only can a personal injury attorney help clients with their claim, but they also manage the entire case. This allows clients to focus on healing instead of fighting with insurance companies. An attorney represents them throughout the case and during any court proceedings.

In Georgia, a lawyer doesn’t get paid for a personal injury case until their client receives a settlement. This means they have to win the case to get paid.

Benefits of Hiring Lonati Law Firm in Dallas, GA

So, why should you work with Lonati Law? Our office always has the motto that we stand up for the injured. Car accident victims deserve compensation and justice for their injuries, so we work tirelessly to help our clients receive that. Read more about the benefits of working with us below:

Professional and Experienced

The team at Lonati Law has over three decades of experience helping clients with personal injury claims. Our office has been recognized with many awards and honors, including:

Our team is committed to client excellence. We strive to win every case but provide an outstanding experience no matter the outcome. We get to know each of our clients on a personal level to provide a personal, compassionate legal experience.

24/7 Availability

The team at Lonati Law understands how stressful situations like these are for clients. We treat each client like we would our own family. Are your injuries preventing you from coming into the office? That’s ok, we’ll come to you! The same goes if your vehicle is out of commission from the accident. We aim to make a stressful time go as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Track Record of Client Wins

The lawyers at Lonati Law have a proven track record of winning large settlements for clients. We’ve received verdicts for our clients ranging from $100,000 to $2.2 million. A claim after an accident encompasses much more than just the medical aspect. Our team looks at the whole picture to fight for the highest compensation. Some damages Lonati Law wins for many of their clients include the following:

Our team wants to help you, too. Schedule a free consultation with us below to discuss your situation!

Schedule a Free Consultation With an Accident Attorney in Georgia

If you have chest pain after a car accident, you must seek medical care and follow your treatment plan. Suffering after a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence isn’t ideal. You deserve compensation and justice for your injuries. Lonati Law wants to help you!

Our office provides free consultations for new clients to discuss their situation and determine their legal rights and options. Contact our office today at 678-363-3500 or complete this form to request your appointment.

Herniated Disc After a Car Accident? Here Is Your Guide

Do You Have a Herniated Disc After a Car Accident?

The days following a car accident are often full of aches, pains, and confusion. During this time, you do not want to deal with insurance companies or gather the evidence needed to get the compensation you deserve. Many people do not seek medical care or support because they think they can’t afford it…but if the accident wasn’t your fault, you’re not responsible.

If you were in a car accident and have a herniated disc, you know many pains come along with it. At Lonati Law, we strive to help people injured get the compensation they are entitled to after a devastating accident. If this applies to you and you believe you might have a case, keep reading to learn more. If possible, we want to talk to you and help, so call us today at 678-363-3500.

Herniated Disc After a Car Accident

What Is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc, sometimes called a slipped or bulging disc, is an issue with the cushions between the bones in the vertebrae. Herniated discs can occur in any part of the spine but are most common in the lower back and neck. These injuries happen when the discs (cushions) are torn or pulled.

How Does a Herniated Disc Happen?

The impact of a car accident can cause herniated discs. Many people have them due to aging and normal wear and tear on the body. However, traumatic events and jolts to the body can cause injury.

Symptoms of a Herniated Disc in the Neck:

Sometimes, people have a herniated disc and don’t even know it. Other people are not so lucky. Here are the main symptoms of a slipped disc:


The muscles around a herniated disc tend to become weak over time. This is especially true if the disc is pressing on a nerve. The weakness can cause long-term issues, such as stumbling or the inability to grab or hold things.


Herniated discs cause nerve damage in some patients. This causes the area around the disc to become numb or tingle. The numbness can be around the impacted area or radiate into other areas, like the arms or legs.

Arm or Leg Pain

You may have pain in other areas of your body depending on where the herniated disc is located. For example, a herniated disc in the lower spine may cause leg or thigh pain. A slipped disc in the neck causes upper back and shoulder pain. People with herniated disc pain often describe it as a shooting, sharp, or burning sensation.

What to Do If You Suspect Slipped Disc Injuries

Some people think they are just sore after a car accident and don’t follow the proper steps. This may cause issues if you do have long-term issues, so it’s important to do the following:

Seek Medical Care

It’s essential you visit a doctor if you’ve been in a car accident. If you have pain in your neck or spine, you must point it out to the doctor, so it is documented and they can run the appropriate scans. Herniated discs have a greater chance of recovery if found and treated early.

Follow the Treatment Plan

After you visit a doctor, you must follow the treatment plan. This is critical if you end up with a personal injury case because medical compliance is necessary. Treatment for herniated discs ranges from rest to medication to therapies. Each patient is different, so this is why going to the doctor is so important.

Consider Speaking to a Lawyer Specializing in Slipped Disc Injuries

Herniated discs are a pain…literally. People often lose work and vital family time due to these types of injuries. If you have a herniated disc after a car accident, we want to help you get the compensation you deserve. A personal injury attorney fights for their clients to receive damages for lost wages, pain and suffering, medical expenses, and property damage.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of a Herniated Disc in the Neck?

If left untreated, a herniated disc can cause lasting damage. This damage can negatively impact your quality of life, mobility, and more. These injuries are serious medical situations that require treatment immediately.

Herniated discs are often worsened by everyday or involuntary activities. This includes bending, sneezing, or coughing. Following the doctor’s treatment plan for healing a herniated disc is vital if you want to prevent these issues. Some of the long-term risks of untreated discs include:


The most obvious and common long-term side effect is pain. This pain generally occurs on one side of the body and ranges from mild to severe. The pain may be continuous or intermittent. Each person has varying symptoms and levels of pain with herniated discs.

If you have pain from a car accident and were diagnosed with a herniated disc, we want to talk to you. The lawyers at Lonati Law in Dallas, GA, are well-versed in these cases and fight for our clients. Contact our office today to request a free consultation.

Spine Stiffness

When a disc is herniated, it may cause stiffness in the spine. This is due to the inflammation and pressure on the nerves in the area. Severe stiffness may result in reduced ability or struggles when walking.

Chronic Aches

Another symptom is chronic aches. This is a little different than the pain because it’s an ache that’s always there. It may pulsate through the impacted area every single day. Sometimes the aches are more severe and become a full-blown pain side effect.

A chronic ache can cause issues with working, doing things you enjoy, or everyday activities. This can have a very negative impact on your quality of life and happiness.


People with herniated discs in their necks often have chronic headaches. The nerves in the neck are often impacted by a herniated disc, causing headaches that are much more frequent than most people are used to. These headaches tend to come and go but will most likely continue to happen if the herniated disc is left untreated.

Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms from herniated discs can be extremely painful for some people. Slipped discs often pinch the nerves along the vertebrae, disrupting the muscle tissue. While muscle relaxers may relieve the issue for a while, speaking to a doctor about the long-term care strategy is important.

Nerve Damage

Some herniated discs cause nerve damage in the long term. This is often related to lower-back discs and causes issues with a person’s bowels or bladder. This can lead to permanent incontinence.

Another form of nerve damage common with herniated discs is called saddle bag anesthesia. People with this condition lose sensation in their thighs, rectum, and back of the legs. Neither of these situations sounds pleasant, so you must see a doctor and follow the treatment plan.

Why Lonati Law for a Slipped Disc?

So, why should you call us if you have a slipped disc? Many choices are available; we are honored you’re on our site. Read about the benefits of working with Lonati Law in Dallas, GA, below:

We Want to Help Injured Individuals

The father-son duo at Lonati Law have always put their clients first. Lonati Senior started his career as a chiropractor, helping those in the community gain mobility and improve their quality of life. Once he became a lawyer, he continued to help injured people in a new way and has a deep understanding of the medical aspects of injury cases. His son was inspired and followed in his footsteps.

Legal Expertise

Dealing with insurance companies after a car accident requires special skills. The law team at Lonati has those skills. Combined with our years of experience, we are able to manage the entire case so clients can focus on recovering. We help clients prepare for court, gather evidence and witnesses, and protect them from costly mistakes.

You Don’t Pay Unless We Win

When we take on a case, we’re confident we can help our clients win. We do not get paid unless our client wins their settlement. So, if you’ve been putting off calling a lawyer because you think you don’t have the money, you can do so without commitment. Call us today at 678-363-3500 to request a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable lawyers.


With more than 30 years of combined experience, the lawyers at Lonati Law have what it takes to manage your case from beginning to end. Serving people across Georgia, we put our clients first. You won’t find a more compassionate or honest lawyer for your personal injury case.

Talk to a Lawyer if You Have a Herniated Disc After a Car Accident Today

You might benefit from speaking to a lawyer if you’re dealing with signs of a slipped disc. Personal injury attorneys help clients navigate the ins and outs of negotiating with insurance companies and fight for them to get the compensation they deserve. The Lonati Law team wants to help you if you’re struggling with a herniated disc after a car accident. Call us today or fill out this form to request a free consultation.

Back Injury Lawyer in Dallas, GA

Do You Need a Back Injury Lawyer after a Car Accident in Dallas, Georgia?

If you're suffering from back pain following a car accident in Dallas, Georgia, you may be questioning the necessity of hiring a Dallas, Georgia back injury lawyer. The Lonati Law Firm in Dallas, GA, specializes in assisting individuals like you.

This guide will navigate you through understanding back injuries from car accidents and how our law firm can support your path to recovery and compensation. If you have a back injury from a car accident in Dallas, Georgia, or need more support, please contact our firm now at 678-363-3500.

Understanding Back Injuries from Car Accidents in Dallas, Georgia

Back injuries are a common outcome of car accidents, with effects ranging from minor strains to severe spinal damage. The jolt to the spine during a collision can lead to various types of back pain and injuries. Recognizing the seriousness of your back injury is crucial, as it can affect your quality of life and may necessitate professional legal assistance to secure the appropriate compensation.

Car accidents in Dallas, Georgia can cause a range of back injuries, each with its symptoms and potential long-term effects. Here are some of the most common back injuries you might experience:

1. Muscle Strains and Ligament Sprains

These are among the most frequent back injuries, causing pain and stiffness in the back. Such injuries occur when muscles or ligaments are overstretched or torn during the accident.

2. Disc Injuries

The impact of a car accident in Dallas, GA, can lead to herniated or bulging discs, causing severe pain, nerve pressure, and potentially, long-term spinal issues. These injuries can affect any part of the spine but are particularly common in the lumbar and cervical regions.

3. Spinal Cord Damage

This is one of the most severe consequences of a car accident, with potential outcomes including paralysis or other permanent disabilities. Spinal cord injuries occur when the impact damages the nerves within the spinal column.

4. Fractures

The force of a car accident can fracture vertebrae, leading to severe pain and requiring extensive medical treatment and recovery time.

5. Spondylolisthesis

This condition occurs when a vertebra shifts out of place due to a stress fracture in the bone. Spondylolisthesis can cause significant back pain and nerve compression.

6. Whiplash

Though often associated with neck injuries, whiplash can also affect the upper back. Whiplash occurs when the head is suddenly jerked forward and then backward, straining the soft tissues of the back.

7. Soft Tissue Bruising and Contusions

Direct blows to the back during an accident can cause bruising and contusions, leading to swelling and pain in the affected areas.

8. Lower Back Pain

This is a common injury after a car accident, often resulting from strains, sprains, disc injuries, or other spinal issues.

When to See a Doctor for Back Pain After a Car Accident in Dallas, GA

It's essential to seek medical attention immediately after a car accident, even if you don't feel pain right away. Symptoms like lower back pain, upper back pain, or delayed lower back pain can signify serious injuries. Medical documentation is also vital for your legal case, as it provides evidence of your injuries and their impact on your life.

If you experience these symptoms, contact a healthcare provider immediately. Timely medical intervention can prevent further damage and aid in your recovery process.

Why Choose Lonati Law Firm for Your Back Injury Case in Dallas, GA?

With extensive experience in handling car accident back injury cases, Lonati Law Firm provides the expertise and compassion needed to navigate the complexities of your legal claim. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll a back injury can take, and we're here to ensure you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

Comprehensive Case Evaluation

We assess the details of your accident and injury to build a strong case.

Personalized Legal Strategy

Lonati Law Firm tailors our approach to your specific needs and goals. No two car accidents are the same, and neither are accident claims. 

Aggressive Representation

Fighting for your rights against insurance companies and in court.

Lonati Law Firm is committed to helping you recover physically and financially, ensuring you receive the maximum settlement for your back injury.

What is the Average Settlement for a Back Injury in a Car Accident in Dallas, Georgia?

The average settlement for a back injury from a car accident in Dallas, Georgia is influenced by several factors. While it's difficult to pinpoint an exact figure due to the unique nature of each case, understanding these factors can help set realistic expectations for your potential compensation.

Severity of the Injury

The extent of your back injury plays a crucial role in determining the settlement amount. Minor injuries like strains and sprains often settle for lower amounts, while more severe conditions such as herniated discs or spinal cord injuries can command higher settlements due to the increased medical care and rehabilitation needs.

Medical Expenses

All medical treatments related to your back injury, from initial emergency care to ongoing physical therapy or surgery, significantly affect the settlement size. Documenting every medical expense is vital to ensure all costs are accounted for in the settlement.

Impact on Quality of Life

Injuries that affect your ability to perform daily activities, work, and enjoy life contribute to the settlement calculation. Chronic pain, reduced mobility, or the necessity for long-term medical care can elevate the compensation.

Lost Wages and Earning Capacity

If your back injury forces you to miss work or reduces your ability to earn a living in the future, these financial losses are included in the settlement considerations.

Pain and Suffering

This non-economic damage compensates for the physical and emotional distress caused by the injury. The more severe and long-lasting the pain, the higher the potential compensation.

Legal Expertise

The experience and skill of your Dallas, GA back injury lawyer are critical in negotiating and securing a fair settlement. An attorney well-versed in back injury cases can effectively argue the extent of your damages and advocate for fair compensation.

The combination of these factors contributes to the overall settlement you may receive for a back injury from a car accident in Dallas, Georgia. Each case is distinct, and the settlement will reflect the specific circumstances and impacts of your injury.

Back Injury Settlements Without Surgery in Dallas, Georgia

Not all back injuries require surgery, but they can still impact your life significantly and warrant compensation. Whether it's ongoing physical therapy, chiropractic care, or pain management, the costs can accumulate, and the Lonati Law Firm is here to ensure these are covered in your settlement.

With the right legal support, you can secure a settlement that reflects the true extent of your injuries and losses, even without surgery.

How Lonati Law Firm Assists with Car Accident Back Injuries in Dallas, GA

Our legal team is skilled in handling all aspects of back injury cases from car accidents in GA. We guide you through each step, from medical documentation to settlement negotiations and court representation if necessary.

  1. Initial Consultation: Discuss your case with us and understand your legal options.
  2. Case Preparation: Gathering evidence, medical records, and expert testimony to support your claim.
  3. Negotiation and Litigation: Advocating on your behalf for a fair settlement or taking your case to trial if needed.

Contact Lonati Law Firm at 678-363-3500 for expert guidance and representation in your back injury case in Dallas, GA.

FAQs: Back Injuries and Legal Action in Dallas, Georgia

How Long Does a Back Injury Take to Heal After a Car Accident in Dallas, Georgia?

The healing time for a back injury can vary widely depending on the severity and type of injury. Some injuries may require weeks, while others could take months or even years of ongoing treatment. Your lawyer will help ensure that the duration of your recovery and its costs are factored into your settlement.

Can I Claim Compensation for Back Pain After a Car Accident?

Yes, if your back pain is a result of a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation. It's important to seek legal advice to understand your rights and the potential for compensation.

What Are the Average Settlements for Car Accident Back and Neck Injuries in Dallas, Georgia?

While settlements can vary, they often consider medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and long-term disability. Your back injury lawyer at Lonati Law Firm in Dallas, GA will strive to secure a settlement that compensates for all aspects of your injury.

Contact a Back Injury Lawyer in Dallas, Georgia at Lonati Law Firm Today

If you or a loved one is dealing with a back injury from a car accident in Dallas, GA, don't hesitate to reach out for legal assistance. The Lonati Law Firm is ready to provide the experienced, compassionate, and effective representation you need. Call us at 678-363-3500 to schedule a free consultation with a Back Injury Lawyer in Dallas, Georgia, and learn more about how we can help you.

Back injuries from car accidents can have lasting effects on your life. Ensuring you have the right legal representation can make all the difference in securing your future and getting the justice and compensation you are entitled to. Let Lonati Law Firm be your advocate in this challenging time.

What Are the Most Common Injuries in a Car Accident in GA?

Understanding Car Accident Injuries in GA: What You Need to Know

Car accidents are sudden, unexpected events that can happen anywhere, anytime. Even a minor collision can lead to injuries, some of which may not be immediately noticeable.

At Lonati Law Firm, we understand the turmoil and confusion that follows a car accident. That's why we're dedicated to guiding you through these challenging times, ensuring you receive the care and compensation you deserve.

Immediate Action is Key

If you're involved in a car accident in Georgia, it's vital to seek medical attention right away. Some injuries, while not apparent at the scene, can have long-term effects if not promptly addressed.

Legal Guidance Matters

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming. That's where we come in. Lonati Law Firm, with our expertise in car accident cases in Georgia, is here to provide the advice and representation you need. Our goal is to ensure you receive maximum compensation so you can focus on healing and moving forward.

Common Injuries from Car Accidents in Dallas, Georgia

Car accidents can lead to a range of injuries, each with its own set of challenges for those involved. Here's a closer look at some of the most common injuries that can occur, shedding light on their potential long-term effects.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

One of the significant risks in a car accident is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). This happens when the head suffers a forceful blow or piercing injury. Each year, approximately 50,000 people lose their lives to TBI, while an additional 80,000 to 90,000 experience prolonged disability.

Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis

The force of a collision and twisting impact on the body can result in spinal cord injuries, leading to partial or total paralysis below the injury level. This life-altering consequence is a serious concern after a car accident.

Back Injuries

The human body isn't built to endure heavy impacts, and car accidents often result in back injuries. These injuries may not manifest immediately, and the pain and disability from a severe back injury can persist for an extended period.


If a vehicle catches fire or if occupants come into contact with hot surfaces, fluids, steam, or chemicals, burns can occur. Severe burns may necessitate surgery and skin grafting for recovery.

Internal Injuries

The impact of a crash can cause the body to collide with objects or be struck by debris, leading to damage to internal organs. Emergency medical treatment is crucial for internal bleeding resulting from such injuries.

Fractures and Broken Bones

Broken legs, ribs, arms, ankles, and wrists are common outcomes of car accidents. Some victims may even suffer a broken pelvis. The severity can vary, from simple breaks requiring a cast to more complex fractures demanding surgical intervention.

Disfiguring Facial Injuries and Scars

Facial injuries in car accidents caused by broken glass or impact with various surfaces may require surgical correction. The aftermath can leave lasting scars, impacting the victim's appearance and well-being.

Limb Loss and Amputation

In severe crashes, limbs may be severed or damaged to the extent that surgical amputation is necessary. Such injuries have permanent disabling effects on the victim.

Neck Injuries and Whiplash

Whiplash, characterized by neck pain and soft tissue injuries, can occur at speeds as low as 15 mph. Car accidents can also lead to severe disk injuries and cervical dislocation.

Knee, Foot, and Ankle Injuries

Car crashes can cause a range of injuries to knees, feet, and ankles, from bruises to fractures. Twisting or abrupt turns during a crash may also result in torn knee cartilage.

Shoulder, Wrist, and Hand Injuries

Force absorption, such as bracing against the steering wheel, can cause shoulder injuries. Wrist injuries, particularly distal radius fractures, are common in car accidents and may require surgical intervention.

Lacerations, Bruises, and "Road Rash"

Broken glass, torn sheet metal, or flying objects can cause lacerations, while bruises and road rash result from the body's impact against objects or surfaces.

Crush Injuries

Any body part caught between two objects subjected to pressure can sustain a crush injury with potentially severe consequences.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Sprains, strains, bruising, and damage to muscles, tendons, and ligaments are frequent in car accidents, often causing prolonged pain and discomfort.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Not all injuries are physical; mental and emotional trauma can result in conditions like PTSD. Recovery may involve mental health treatment and support to navigate the emotional aftermath of a car accident.

Understanding the potential consequences of a car accident is crucial for seeking appropriate medical attention and legal recourse. If you or a loved one has experienced such injuries, consult with legal professionals who can guide you through the process of seeking compensation and support.

Why Should I Get Immediate Medical Attention After a Car Accident in GA?

Getting prompt medical attention after a car accident is crucial for several important reasons:

Tips for Preventing Car Accident Injuries in GA

Nobody wants to think about being in a car accident, but it's crucial to be prepared and take steps to minimize potential injuries. While there's no foolproof way to prevent all injuries in a car crash, implementing these easy tips can significantly reduce the risk.

Buckle Up Every Time

Whether you're driving to the grocery store or embarking on a long road trip, make it a habit to fasten your seat belt. The added security significantly reduces the likelihood of serious injuries in the event of a collision. It's a simple action that can make a significant difference in your safety.

Mind the Speed Limit

While you can't control the actions of other drivers, you have full control over your own speed. Adhering to the speed limit isn't just about avoiding traffic tickets; it's a critical safety measure. Accidents that occur at higher speeds often result in more severe injuries. By driving within the speed limits, you provide yourself with a crucial layer of protection, giving you more time to react to unexpected situations and reducing the impact force in the event of a collision.

Use Turn Signals and Be Predictable

Signaling your intentions helps other drivers anticipate your actions, reducing the chances of a collision. Whether changing lanes or making a turn, use your signals consistently. Being a predictable driver enhances overall road safety.

Prioritize Vehicle Maintenance

A well-maintained vehicle is less likely to fail you when it matters most. Make it a priority to check your vehicle's vital components regularly. Ensure that all fluid levels, including washer fluid for optimal visibility, are within the recommended range.

Additionally, maintaining proper tire inflation is essential for vehicle stability and control. Regular vehicle check-ups can help prevent accidents caused by mechanical failures, giving you peace of mind on the road.

Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions

Distractions while driving can lead to accidents and increase the risk of injuries. Keep your attention on the road, avoid texting or using your phone, and minimize other distractions inside the car. Staying focused allows you to react quickly to changing traffic conditions, reducing the likelihood of being involved in an accident.

Adjust Driving for Weather Conditions

Inclement weather can significantly impact road conditions. Adjust your driving habits based on current weather conditions. Reduce speed during rain or snow, increase following distances, and use your headlights in low visibility conditions. Taking these precautions can help you navigate challenging weather safely.

Maintain a Safe Following Distance

Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you to allow for ample reaction time. This distance becomes crucial in sudden braking situations, helping you avoid rear-end collisions and minimizing the risk of injuries.

Why Choose Lonati Law Firm to Handle Your Car Accident Injury Claim in Georgia?

Choosing the right legal representation is crucial when dealing with the aftermath of a car accident. At Lonati Law Firm in Kennesaw and Dallas, GA, we offer more than just legal expertise. Our compassionate approach ensures that you're not navigating this challenging journey alone.


Our team boasts extensive knowledge in car accident cases, allowing us to navigate the complexities of the legal system on your behalf.


We understand the physical and emotional toll a car accident can take. Our compassionate team is committed to providing support and understanding throughout the legal process.

Recovery and Justice

We believe in fighting for what you deserve. Whether it's medical expenses, lost wages, or emotional distress, we're dedicated to helping you on your journey to recovery and justice.

Do You Have Car Accident Injuries in Georgia?

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a car accident, you might be entitled to compensation. Our expertise at Lonati Law Firm covers a wide range of common car accident injuries. Let the Lonati Law Firm be your guide and advocate. Our expertise in handling car accident injuries ensures that you receive the care, support, and compensation you deserve. Contact Us Now for a free consultation: 678-363-3500

What to do After a Rear-End Accident in Hiram, GA?

Sitting at a stoplight, minding your own business, and then your hit from behind. Sadly this has happened to many people, and odds are, it will continue happening. With all of the technology that cars have today, it's no wonder that rear-end accidents have become so frequent. Texting and driving is against the law in Georgia (and most states), but that doesn't stop it from happening. About 400 fatal accidents a year are due to texting and driving, and the number increases to over 30,000 when counting accidents due to distracted driving in general. If this has happened to you or someone you love, we have some advice to try and help you through this.

What to do After a Rear-End Accident in Hiram, GA?

If you've been in a rear-end accident in Hiram, GA, you may be left injured with a damaged car. You know you may need medical treatment for any injuries, and you need your car fixed. But you're not quite sure how to handle it all when you're drowning in bills and your car is broken.

This is precisely the reason we're in business. The team at Lonati Law Firm is dedicated to helping you after you've been injured in an accident. We want to help you get quality medical treatment with no up-front costs, and we want to help you get compensation for your damages.

So, how do you get compensation after an accident? Here are a few steps you can take to protect your injury claim after a car accident in Hiram, GA.

The Scene of a Rear-End Accident in Hiram

1. Check for Injuries and Seek Immediate Medical Treatment

Inspect yourself and your passengers for any injuries, and get medical attention for your injuries as soon as possible. No matter how minor your injuries may seem or if you think you are fine, you should still seek medical treatment to make sure that there are no internal injuries.

An accident can cause the effects of adrenaline to mask injury symptoms. So it is possible to feel fine at first but then have symptoms hours (or even days) later. Additionally, some injuries may not be noticed for days or even weeks, such as whiplash or traumatic brain injury.

See a doctor as soon as possible after an accident. If you have suffered severe injuries, you need to go to the ER immediately. Even if someone does not have health insurance, an emergency room does not turn away an injured victim.

 Primary care physicians and urgent care clinics are other good options.

The longer you wait to see a physician, the more likely you will suffer health problems, and your compensation claim may suffer. In many cases, insurance companies use a delay in treatment to say that you're not really injured.

2. Call the Police

You should call the police and report the crash. You need a police report to establish liability. Without an official police report, both parties rely on their own word.

The police do not necessarily have the final say on who is at fault in a crash. The court ultimately is responsible for this if the parties and insurers cannot agree.

According to Georgia's comparative fault law, more fault can be assigned to the other driver if proven in court. So even though proving fault can be difficult, you can save thousands of dollars by accurately determining the responsible party.

Also, never admit fault to the police, and don't speculate about things you don't know for sure. Instead, simply answer their questions and let them document the incident. Finally, it's essential that you keep a copy of your police report for your records and that your insurer also has a copy.

3. Take Photos, Collect Evidence, Exchange Information

Photograph the accident scene. They can be valuable evidence when filing an injury claim. Also, write down the license plate number, drivers license details, name, address, and phone number of the driver who hit your vehicle.

Getting a picture of the other driver's insurance card is a good idea. While the officer will write down the name of the other driver's insurance company, they will not note the amount of coverage. This information may appear on the insurance card, so take pictures of both sides. Do not speak with any insurance company before meeting with a competent lawyer in Hiram.

You should also write down the names of any witnesses and their contact information. It's possible witnesses won't stay until the police arrive, and even then, a busy officer may not speak with everyone. So if you do not record the witness's name and contact information, you could lose them forever.

Keep in mind that it may be a long time before you can see your car again if it is towed or you are transported by ambulance. So you should also remove any valuable items from your vehicle.

4. Do Not Admit Fault

It is crucial not to admit fault, even if you believe you were partially responsible for the accident. In a similar vein, resist the urge to apologize, as it may be twisted into an admission of guilt if taken out of context.

Factors such as speed, weather conditions, mechanical failure, and others play a role in determining fault for an accident. It is impossible to know what the other driver is doing in their car, so don't make assumptions based on what you don't know. According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, 70% of car accidents are caused by unsafe driving behaviors, including distractions, texting and driving, impairment, drunk driving, or driving too fast for conditions.

Instead, let the police and insurance companies decide who was responsible for the accident. If you disagree with their determination, you should consult with a car accident lawyer in Hiram, like Lonati Law Firm, as soon as possible. Ensure that the liable party is held accountable by hiring an experienced attorney to represent your best interests.

5. Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Hiram

When dealing with a rear-end accident case, an experienced Hiram accident attorney like Michael and Mike Lonati can help you fully understand your legal options.

Also, they are experienced in gathering evidence for cases, negotiating with insurance companies, and requesting the maximum compensation after your Hiram, GA, car accident.

What To Do After You've Left the Scene of a Hiram Car Accident

Unfortunately, your ordeal is not over once you leave the accident scene; it's just getting started. You will still have to worry about getting your car fixed, handling insurance companies, recovering from your injuries, etc. Here are some tips for getting started with your case after a car accident in Hiram.

1. Follow Your Treatment Plan

Always follow all orders from your doctor. When doctor's orders are not followed, an insurance company could claim that your rear-end accident injury was not serious. Be sure to keep track of all your appointments and related expenses too, and try not to miss any medical appointments.

2. Keep Your Records and Receipts

Don't discard any receipts or documents regarding the accident. Keeping a record of every doctor's appointment, prescription, and medical bill is a good idea. It is essential to give these documents to your lawyer.

Without receipts, some expenses will be difficult to recover. However, when an experienced injury attorney handles this evidence, the at-fault party's insurance company will likely pay out.

3. Document Your Recovery in a Journal

In the days following the accident, keep track of all your symptoms and the challenges you face financially and physically. Keep a journal of the dates and times.

If you have to file a lawsuit, your pain journal could be crucial evidence. In addition, people often forget the details of how an injury affected their lives. Journaling helps you remember everything you experienced and missed because of the crash.

4. Don't Post About Your Accident or Injuries

Do not share any details about your car accident or injuries on social media. Your case's value will depend on the nature and extent of your injuries from your rear-end accident.

You should expect insurance adjusters to look for reasons to diminish your claim, and they may even take a look at your social media accounts. In other words, anything you share on social media about your accident may impact your claim.

Rear-End Accident Victims Have a Limited Time to File a Claim

Following a rear-end crash in Hiram, Georgia, there is a limited time frame for pursuing compensation. For a typical personal injury claim, the victim has two years from the accident date to file a lawsuit. The victim has four years to file a claim for most property damage claims.

You will most likely lose your chance to claim compensation if you do not submit your claim by the deadline. It is rare for the deadline to be extended, but it is always best to consult a Hiram accident attorney like Lonati Law Firm if you think you missed the statute of limitations for your case. In some instances, various circumstances can lengthen the statute of limitations, so every case is different. But it is best not to take a chance of missing the deadline, so call an attorney like Lonati Law Firm in Hiram, GA, right away after being rear-ended.

How Do I Pay for Medical Treatment After a Car Accident in Hiram?

You might wonder, "what if I don't have medical insurance?" The emergency room cannot turn you away if you need emergency treatment after an accident. In addition, if you require additional treatment following your ER visit, you may be able to defer payment until your case has been resolved.

Emergency rooms are not allowed to turn you away, and they are equipped to run tests for internal injuries and other more severe injuries. If you don't have insurance, you can let them know that you are there due to a car accident, and they can often guide how to handle the bills. Keep in mind that you may be entitled to reimbursement of your medical expenses after the case settles.

You can also use your health insurance coverage to pay for your medical expenses before your case settles or goes to court. The first benefit is that no money has to be spent out of pocket, and you won't have to wait for a reimbursement. Second, experienced attorneys can negotiate down medical expenses at the end of the case, leaving you with more money for your settlement. 

As always, listen to your body, and seek medical attention as soon as possible if you are in pain following a car accident in Hiram.

High-Risk Car Accident Locations in Hiram and Dallas, Georgia

Hiram/ Dallas, GA, drivers were involved in 2,728 motor vehicle collisions between 2015 and 2019. In addition, there were an estimated 19,034 motor vehicle accidents in Paulding County during that same time.

Dallas, Georgia, is a beautiful city to live and work in, but unfortunately, there are several places in Dallas where car accidents are particularly likely to occur, including:

Contact a Rear-End Car Accident Lawyer in Hiram, GA, for a Free Consultation

For a free rear-end accident consultation, give Lonati Law Firm a call at 678-363-3500.

Michael Lonati specializes in helping injured victims, and unlike most attorneys, his firm only handles personal injury cases. At the Lonati Law Firm, we have over 25 years of experience winning personal injury cases. No fee is charged unless we recover compensation for you, so you don't have to worry about another bill at this stressful time. Get in touch with us today to get your case started for free!