Our Multi-Million Dollar Vision
At Lonati Law Firm, we’re looking for talented and friendly people to join us in our mission to help over 1,000 injured people in the next 5 years by leveling the playing field against the insurance industry. We plan on doing this by holding irresponsible individuals and companies accountable for their actions.
Most people choose convenience over conviction.
Most people choose apathy over ownership.
Most people settle for mediocrity simply because excellence takes WORK!
Most people would rather do what's easy than do what's RIGHT!
Core Values
COMMUNICATION: Be a straight shooter and don't sugar coat it. Tell clients what they need to hear, not necessarily what they want to hear.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Take ownership for your actions. Learn from mistakes and make progress each day by becoming proactive rather than reactive.
RESULTS-DRIVEN: Strive for excellence and make things happen as fast and pain-free as possible to exceed expectations.
CONSISTENCY: Show up each day with your best foot forward to be better than yesterday.
ATTENTION TO DETAIL: We dot the "i" and cross the "t". It's our ability to see and understand the small issues in the big overall picture.
SOLUTION-ORIENTED: Each day you’re given the opportunity to be successful. Keep your mind set on the positives to create a meaningful difference in problem solving. Find a way to get things done, DON’T make excuses.
Are We the Right Fit?
Want to work at a company looking to break the norm of working in the legal industry? Here at Lonati Law Firm, we believe in our clients, doing the right thing, and, most importantly, believe in ourselves.
We are looking for a person to go the extra mile and take initiative. Good enough isn’t good enough, so we don’t settle for mediocrity. We are NOT your typical 9-5 as we want to help our “wolf pack” grow by helping you step out of your comfort zone to unlock your full potential. If you are looking to just sit at a computer and get paid for being bored all day, then look elsewhere. If you are up for the challenge, then let’s meet!
Resources & Info