We Make Those Who Have Hurt You "Pay" By Getting Justice and Getting You Compensation for Your Injuries
If you or someone you know has been a victim of a semi-truck accident, get an experienced semi-truck accident lawyer in Dallas that will understand your rights. Call Lonati Law Firm today for a free initial consultation at 678-363-3500.
When truck drivers handle their jobs in an irresponsible manner, it puts your life at risk. When you have been in a semi-truck accident, protect your rights and get compensated for that accident. Get a semi-truck accident attorney that understands your needs and rights in a semi-truck accident.
Contact Lonati Law Firm to talk to a semi-truck accident attorney today.
Semi-trucks are all around us. You can't travel anywhere without seeing several big rigs on the road. And, unfortunately, you can expect the number of semi-truck accidents to increase over time.
Did you know that there are about 16 million big trucks on the road, including vehicles such as cement trucks, delivery trucks, construction trucks, commercial carriers, oversize carriers, buses, coal trucks, logging trucks, 18-wheelers, and more? It's a fantastic fact to contemplate. And of those 16 million big trucks on our highways, about 2 million are considered "tractor-trailer" type trucks.
In the state of Georgia, vehicles that weigh 10,001 pounds or more and are used in a commercial business are subject to strict regulation. For trucks used in commercial business that exceed 26,001 pounds, there are additional regulations.
All commercial truck drivers must submit to a medical examination and must carry a medical exam certification in their trucks at all times. These certificates are only valid for up to 24 months. Drivers who suffer from certain medical conditions--such as high blood pressure--may need to update their medical certifications more frequently.
Additionally, semi-truck drivers must adhere to Georgia's hours-of-service regulations.
Commercial truck drivers must also submit to regular drug testing and inspection of their vehicles.
The truck driver's employer is responsible for maintaining meticulous records of each driver's working hours and drug testing results.
If a truck driver causes an accident, and their employer cannot produce a record of their hourly driving activity, it may be assumed that the driver was not abiding by the state's hours-of-service regulations.
Thankfully, number-wise, there aren't as many semi-truck accidents as car crashes overall. However, when they do occur, they are almost always so much worse than car accidents.
When you think about semi-truck accidents, fatalities or catastrophic injuries are common. Why? The main reason is simply because of the immense size of the trucks involved, the considerable difference in weight of the vehicles involved in the accident, and whatever cargo the big truck might be hauling. Sadly, the rate of semi-truck accidents is on the rise.
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678-363-3500ALWAYS 100% FREE TO CALL
MEET THE ATTORNEYSIf you've been involved in a semi-truck accident, you can't rely on the truck driver or his or her employer to responsibility for the accident.
Corporations and their lawyers have huge financial incentives to minimize their employee's responsibility. Many may try to place the blame for the accident on you.
It is vital that you hire a Georgia semi-truck accident lawyer as soon as possible after the accident. Keep track of your accident-related medical expenses. Keep a log of any time you have to take off work to address accident-related legal or medical issues. Click here to learn more about semi-truck accidents.
If you, or anyone you know, has been involved in a semi-truck accident in Douglasville, Dallas, or Hiram, GA, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a law firm specializing in semi-truck accidents such as the Lonati Law Firm. Contact us now for a free consultation at 678-363-3500.
Here are some of the most common truck accident questions our clients ask us here at Lonati Law Firm in Dallas. Have more questions for our truck accident lawyer? We are happy to give you answers during a free consultation.
What are the most common reasons for semi-truck accidents in Dallas?
What should you do if you are in a semi-truck accident in Dallas, GA?
Check Out These Semi-Truck Accident Statistics
Semi-trucks are large, commercial vehicles that weigh over 10,000 pounds or more and transport goods. These massive trucks can be called by many different names. You'll probably see quite a few of them throughout the body of this article. For example, you've probably heard us refer to them as big rigs, commercial trucks, semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, transfer trucks, or tractor-trailers.
In Georgia's overall scheme of motor vehicle-related accidents, about one out of six accidents that occur involve some type of significantly oversized "big rig" or semi-truck. But, even scarier in general, consider this fact: a semi-truck accident happens about four times per hour.
In 2017 alone, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) found that of all the accidents that occurred that year, 72 percent of all fatal truck accidents could be attributed to tractor-trailer-type trucks. And remember, for 2017, there were fewer large trucks on the road than today.
At that time, tractor-trailers were well under 20% of all the big trucks on the road. So, considering this data, it can easily be construed that tractor-trailers, aka semi-trucks, are one of the most dangerous truck types on our highways and roads.
Let's take a moment to review some interesting significant semi-truck statistics you may not know. Here are a few interesting statistics about truck accidents:
Don't pull out in front of a semi-truck
Don't pull out in front of a semi-truck when there is not much room. Remember, these big trucks need a large area to stop, so don't zip too close in front of them while changing lanes in traffic, or you might get hit.
Stay in their line of vision
Make sure that the big truck driver can see you at all times. Tractor-trailer trucks have substantial blind spots. One big thing to remember is that if you can't see the side-view mirrors of a big truck when you are near one, then they can't see you at all.
Watch for Turning Signals
Be aware of the semi-truck drivers' signal lights. Please do not attempt to pass a truck when its signal lights are on as they are about to switch lanes themselves.
Look out for wide turns
Watch out for wide turns in large trucks. Due to their immense size, big rigs need vast amounts of space to turn in. So, if you are the first car stopped at any traffic light, make sure that you are well behind the white line so that the big trucks have plenty of room to turn without hitting you.
Keep your distance
Don't drive beside an 18-wheeler for extended periods of time. Either speed up to pass it or slow down and follow it at a safe speed and distance.
Be Patient
Be patient and stay focused on the road. Do not text, use the cell phone, concentrate on GPS, kids, the radio, or anything else that might take your focus off the road ahead and all around you.
Never tailgate a truck
You shouldn't tailgate any vehicle, but to tailgate, an 18-wheeler might be the worst decision of your life. If you happen to be rear-ended or can't stop while tailgating a big truck, you may be pushed underneath the truck, which could be a catastrophic accident for you and all your passengers.
Drive Safely at all times
Don't drive if you are too sleepy or intoxicated.
Most people don't know it, but driving fatigued is considered just as dangerous as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is. If you have been drinking alcohol or taking drugs of any kind, even prescription drugs, then do not get behind the wheel.
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